Episode 40: The Backwards Law: How to Get More by Doing Less

July 24, 2024

About the Episode

There are certain areas in life where trying harder only makes things worse. Trying to prove how likable and confident you are only makes you feel more unlikable and less confident. Trying to make someone love you only makes you feel more unlovable.

The solution to this conundrum is what’s known as “The Backwards Law”.

Simply put, The Backwards law states that desiring a positive experience is itself a negative experience, while accepting a negative experience is a positive experience.

In this episode, Drew and I talk about five areas of life where doing less can actually reap massive benefits.


Mark Manson Quotes From the Episode

There are two forms of freedom: breadth of freedom and depth of freedom. And they are mutually exclusive.
The simple act of trying to hack your happiness is going to make you feel less happy.
Commitment frees you from distraction.

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