Episode 16: 3 Questions That Determine 99% of Your Happiness
About the Episode
We all overestimate how much you have to do to actually be happy.
But what if I told you that achieving happiness is much simpler than you think? That’s right, the smallest lifestyle changes can have the most unexpected knock-on effects towards positive change. It’s actually quite incredible once you experience it.
In today’s episode of the pod, we delve into the 3 of the most important questions that you can ask yourself in determining your own levels of happiness. These are questions worth asking.
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Mark Manson Quotes From the Episode
It’s easy to overestimate how much you have to do when it comes to health and fitness. It’s an 80/20 thing. If you just do the first 20%, you’re going to get 80% of the benefit—both physically and emotionally.
Having really unhealthy relationships warps your perception of the wider world. A nice litmus test is to go through the people closest to you and ask yourself: if I failed at something or embarrassed myself, how supportive would this person be?
Just because you love something doesn’t mean you should try to make money from it.
Start with practical. Start with what makes you a buck. Get really good at that, get rewarded for it, and then all of the passion and meaningfulness and satisfaction will come.
Episode Notes
Referenced in This Episode
- Sign up to Mark’s newsletter
- BetterHelp: 10% off your first month
- Everything Is F*cked: A Book About Hope by Mark Manson
- Screw Finding Your Passion article
- Why Everyone’s Social Skills Are Getting Worse (ft. David Brooks) podcast
- What Everyone Gets Wrong About Goals podcast
- How to Give Up Everything to Save Yourself (ft. Matt from Yes Theory) podcast
- I Quit Drinking Alcohol… But Did Not Expect This video
- 5 Life-Changing Levels of Not Giving a F*ck video
- Triumphs of Experience by George E. Vaillant
- So Good They Can’t Ignore You by Cal Newport
- The Harvard study